Monday, February 4, 2008

Welcome, Strangers!

I'm launching this blog as a way for people interested to exploring Shakespeare in the Columbia Gorge area to get and stay in touch. As some of you know, I have big dreams for an outside Shakespeare-in-the-Parks-like event happening in our area. Someday, maybe soon.

I am also committed to teaching Shakespeare from the inside out-- by that I mean that I've found the most effective way to study these texts is by embodying them. Shakespeare's works were written not to be read, but to be spoken out loud, to be inhabited, to be put into action and shared with an audience. In short, Shakespeare wrote for actors. When you act a Shakespearean text you enter a uniquely intimate relationship with him-- you enter his mind, and he enters yours. Believe me, you will find things out about the text, the world and yourself you would not discover any other way.

You don't need to know "how to do" Shakespeare. In fact, such a notion can be severely limiting. You need only to bring your humanity, your capacity for wonder, your curiosity about yourself and the world around you, an open mind, and a willingness to try things out on your feet. The texts will teach you everything else.

In this spirit, I am offering my first local class on Shakespeare starting Feb 25, 2008: Shakespeare Without Fear. Meeting for eight Mondays from 5-7 pm at the Theatre in the Columbia Center for the Arts, we will work on sonnets, scenes and a single play, Measure for Measure. The work will be physical as well as mental and emotional (and hell, maybe even spiritual-- have you read this stuff?) -- so please dress in layers and for freedom of movement, and bring water with you, as well as a notebook and pen.

I 'll need 8 participants to make the class happen, and I will not take more then 10. Cost for the 8 weeks is $125.00 due on or before the first night of class.

Please feel free to ask any questions you have about the upcoming class by commenting here and I will try to address them the same way. If you want to reach me privately you can email me:

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you soon!



Althea Hukari said...

what if I wanted to ask a question? Where would it show up?

Anonymous said...

This really looks interesting. Quite an endeavor. Just checking to see how the site looks. I just hit the comment under your posting. Is it working correctly?
Good luck.

Anonymous said...

hey althea its syd, just thought id let you know that i found the sight and its working great! im gunna print stuff off now. thank you again so much!