Sunday, February 24, 2008

We Happy Few (Henry V, Act IV, sc 3)

As of Sunday morning, we are seven:
  1. Jeanette Burkhardt
  2. Leith Gaines
  3. Gale Arnold
  4. Sydney Bellamy
  5. Andy Bell
  6. Tom Butler
  7. John Haugse
There are others who have expressed interest, but have not officially signed up nor signed off. (You know who you are...) This leaves 3 possible spaces open for grabs. If you know someone who might like to join us, please invite them to visit this blog and sign up!

For those few, those happy few who have already made the commitment, please prepare your homework and join me to see who shows up Monday evening at 5pm, Columbia Center for the Arts Theatre, 215 Cascade Street, Hood River. I will be there early, and plan to lock the doors at 5 o'clock. If you are arriving late you will need to call my cell: 541-490-3782.

Can't wait to see meet my new "band of brothers" (...and by that, of course, I mean sisters, as well-- the Bard knows not of PC language).


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